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Working in sustainability can take many forms

What does sustainability look like?  What kind of people do you work with?  What kind of work counts as "sustainability"?  As Appleshed has aligned its client work to sustainability over recent years, these are questions I have been trying to answer.

  • Katrina Appleyard - Explaining ESG in bite size pieces

Explaining ESG in Bite-Size pieces

Sustainability and ESG can seem like another language and world away from running your own organisation – however much of what is needed is already happening in your business and may simply need a little more focus.  Following are 10 bite size explanations of what you can focus on to improve your knowledge, and your ability to create change around your environmental and social impact.

  • Appleshed Consulting - Appleshed updates blog

Giving Back

As a business consultant, whilst creating impact and change is a part of the role, ...

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